Happy Mother's Day
Mother’s Day always conjurers up great memories of the family going to Sunday Mass, spear ribs, mac & cheese, and candy yams. And of course for dessert moms favorite vanilla ice cream. We would end the day watching the ABC Disney special right after America’s Funniest Home Videos.
This Mother’s Day was totally different. I spent it singing and dancing aboard a ship. Though I was doing what I love to do, I missed out on the mac & cheese. Even more sad, ABC has discontinued its Disney specials.
Monday on my way home from rehearsal a mother stopped me in my tracks. Literally less than a 15 minute train ride home and I was stuck at the Wall Street train station because a some lucky woman was ready to become a mother. It’s New York City so it wasn’t hard to believe when the conductor made the announcement “ladies and gentlemen we are delayed due to a women who is going into labor”. While others let out sighs of frustration I smiled. I hope “soon to be mom” will share the words of wisdom my mother shared with me. To be the best I can be, and never give up. Those words keep me going today.
Thank God for mothers, and thank God I was able to walk to another train. Your boy was tired and ready to go home.